
History of Blasphemy & Apostasy Laws
Cases of Persecution in Germany
Mother of four stabbed to death in front of children for apostatizing from Islam
Bangladeshi blogger Shammi Haque forced into exile, placed on hit list
Secular activist and refugee Amed Sherwan assaulted in city center amidst a crowd
Secularist Mahmudul Haque Munshi placed on "global hit list" after escaping Islamists in Bangladesh
LGBT-inclusive mosque operator Seyran Ateş receives hundreds of death threats, put under protection
Atheist refugee Rany E. assaulted and hospitalized
Musician Shahin Najafi accused of apostasy, handed fatwa with $100k assassination bounty
Secularist Worood Zuhair brutalized by brother, exiled, and subjected to death threats for apostasy