Souad Sbai, a Moroccan-born Italian MP and women's rights activist, received threats to her life and the lives of her children and friends after accusations of insulting Islam.
heading the Italian Association of Moroccan Women; being an Italian MP from 2008 to 2013
Souad Sbai, an Italian member of parliament, received death threats in 2009 from three men of North African origin. Souad, herself of Moroccan origin, headed the Italian Association of Moroccan Women, an organization advocating for women’s rights in the Moroccan immigrant community, before being elected to parliament. It was upon entering parliament and attaining a more national profile that she received these threats, one of which singled her out for refusing to wear a veil. She had represented and advocated for battered women of Moroccan origin in Italy long before this, apparently in relative peace.
“They threaten me, they scream. They make fatwas … I’ve never talked about Islam. I’ve spoken about Muslims who treat women badly. And this is a crime?” - Souad Sbai
While Souad did not fear for her own life in the wake of these threats, she did receive the protection of “police escorts on trips.” In addition, “threatening messages” were also directed at her family and friends, including her children. Souad denied the premise of her harassers that she was somehow against Islam, arguing that she does not need to be a practicing Muslim to take pride in her “Islamic heritage.”
“The woman who does not cover her head will be hung by her hair ... Allah will punish you for the evil you have done to people.” - threat received by Souad