Anwar Masih was arrested and held in prison for a year on blasphemy charges (including "disrespecting the beard") after he asked his neighbor why he had converted to Islam and grown a beard. Upon release, threats forced Anwar into hiding.
In 2003, Pakistani Christian Anwar Masih asked a neighbor, a recent convert to Islam, why he had changed religions and grown a beard. It was not long before he was arrested and placed in a courtroom for these comments, facing accusations of having insulted Islam and disrespected his neighbor’s beard. By some accounts, personal animosities between the two men may have been at the heart of the dispute. Though Anwar spent a year in custody as the legal proceedings worked, he was ultimately acquitted.
However, Anwar’s troubles did not end there. Because of the blasphemy accusation he had been tarred with, acquittal or no, he was forced into hiding. For a time, he had to live a semi-transient lifestyle and found difficulty attaining employment.
Anwar Masih - U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom
Policing Belief: The Impact of Blasphemy Laws on Human Rights - Pakistan - Freedom House
Blasphemy case of Anwar Masih - Rights of Human
Pakistan is one of the most repressive countries in the world with regard to freedom of expression, including and especially religious freedom. Blasphemy (i.e. insults) against religion in general can result in imprisonment, while blasphemy against Islam carries the much harsher punishment of death. Both in terms of the aggressiveness with which the Islamic-conservative government prosecutes such cases, as well as the harshness of punishment, Pakistan remains one of the worst places on the planet to speak out against religion or religious fundamentalism.